PRAVO-300, the largest authoritative study of the national legal services market, has published a rating of «Recommended Lawyers«.

The applicants were selected based on the significance of the projects in which each candidate participated during the study period (projects that received the highest rating in the main rating «»), legal experience, special achievements and professional awards were also taken into account. Among the top legal consultants in the country are 11 experts from the law firm ANP ZENIT.

The best Russian lawyers include:

Damir Nizamov, Senior Partner, lawyer — «Bankruptcy», «Criminal Law».
Ildar Bagautdinov, Senior Partner — «Bankruptcy», «Arbitration proceedings (major disputes: high market)».
Alfiya Yarulina, partner — «Tax consulting and Disputes».
Guzel Valeeva, Senior Partner— «Tax Consulting and Disputes».
Ramis Abianov, Partner — «Digital Economy».
Arkady Vaiman, Partner — «Family and Inheritance Law».
Denis Khairullin, Head of Bankruptcy Practice — «Bankruptcy» and «Arbitration proceedings (major disputes: high market)».
Zulfiya Galiaskarova, Head of the practice of support for large corporate clients — «Real Estate, Land, construction», «Corporate Law/Mergers and acquisitions».
Rail Gaptrakhmanov, Chief Lawyer— «Bankruptcy».
Ekaterina Filonova, Senior Tax Consultant — «Tax Consulting and Disputes».
Dmitry Suetinov, Chief Lawyer — «Bankruptcy».

We are very proud of you! Congratulations!

20 марта 2024