'; Corporate Law » ANP ZENIT legal

Corporate Law

A joint business is fraught with potential conflicts between its participants. Today, partners are friends and like—minded people, but tomorrow they may lose their common goal. Due to the lack of a clear division of functions and areas of responsibility, each participant may consider that he has invested more money and effort than the other. And this always leads to a deadlock and paralyzes the development of the company. Therefore, as long as the relationship is based on «gentleman's agreements written on a napkin» and generally accepted template charters from the Internet, the risk of corporate conflicts remains significant. Our experience shows that in order to get out of the conflict with minimal losses, not only legal skills of representation in court are required (full-time lawyers can also cope with this), but also competence in the field of taxation, experience in corporate structuring, in supporting criminal prosecution.

What will you receive as part of the service?

  • 01.

    Corporate Law consulting

  • 02.

    Development of corporate documents of the company

    – development of internal documents regulating the activities of the company's management bodies (establishment agreement, charter, corporate agreements, etc.) – development of internal documents for the implementation of an internal control mechanism (procedures for approving suppliers/buyers, procedures for approving contracts, standard contracts and other documents)
  • 03.

    Support for entering and exiting a business

  • 04.

    Representation of interests in relations with other subjects of the corporation (participants, shareholders, the company)

  • 05.

    Challenging large transactions and related party transactions

  • 06.

    Resolution of corporate conflicts

    – pre–trial settlement of the conflict – representation of the interests of shareholders, participants, managers, business owners in courts, including challenging the decisions of the company and its transactions, seizure of the company's property with a ban on sale, criminal legal protection measures.