'; Business structuring » ANP ZENIT legal

Business structuring

Building an optimal business structure solves the following tasks:
  • protection of the assets of the owner and the company;
  • legitimate optimization of the tax burden;
  • minimizing the risk of bringing to subsidiary liability.

How do we conduct «Business Structuring»?

  • 01.

    We analyze the current business organization model

    — we analyze key business indicators, — we calculate the current tax burden, — we conduct a legal assessment of the tax optimization methods used, we evaluate the possibilities of structuring.
  • 02.

    We identify tax and property risks

  • 03.

    We define and coordinate the optimal business model

    — we visually present the structure of the business — a graphic representation of all participants indicating internal and external connections, commodity and financial flows, we distribute assets and resources, — we demonstrate the financial indicators of the proposed structure with a mathematical model.
  • 04.

    We develop an implementation guide

    roadmap with a step—by—step description of each stage of transformation.
  • 05.

    We guide the installment itself

    — creation of new and reorganization of existing companies, — development of contracts and templates of other documents, — redistribution of assets, — distribution of personnel, — consultations on issues arising during the transition to a new model.