The result: the buildings and land of the old factory, burdened with multimillion-dollar debts for many years, have found a new owner
1 300 000
rubles, the cost of the project
ANP Zenit
450 000 000
rubles, value of the property
50 000 000
rubles, reduced cost of the property
3 746%
Return on investment (ROI) (ROI)
The territory of the old factory, whose activities had become unprofitable, could not find new owners for a long time – everyone was scared off by the debts of the existing owner to numerous creditors and the condition of the buildings. And, in principle, it was impossible to sell the objects – dozens of arrests of tax officials and bailiffs, accumulated for a dozen years, were "hanging" on them.
A person who was interested in acquiring objects was ready to invest in their purchase only if the transaction was clearly structured and all risks of challenging the transaction in the future were completely excluded.
The Zenit ANP team analyzed all aspects of the transaction - the legality of the privatization of objects, the succession of their owners, the legal status of special protective structures located on the territory, and also carefully checked the order of compliance by the owner with all necessary corporate procedures necessary for the alienation of objects. The structure of the transaction was developed, providing for phased payment, redemption of creditors' claims and the lifting of arrests, and the conclusion of the main purchase and sale agreement only after the complete removal of all risks and obstacles to the further use of the property. The buyer bore the risks associated with financing the preparation of objects for sale, therefore, measures were developed to protect him from the disruption of the transaction.
The result of the project: due to the fact that the objects being sold had a complicated history, were burdened with arrests and other encumbrances, and their former owner had debts, the new owner was able to buy them profitably. Its risks were minimized thanks to careful structuring of the transaction and thoroughly worked out terms of the contract, providing for increased responsibility of the seller and guarantees of return of invested funds. This became possible only thanks to the participation in negotiations with the seller of lawyers of ANP Zenit with a convincing legal position.

Completed projects
Оценка налоговых последствий планируемых сделок
Результат: экономия налога в сумме 14,5 млн. рублей благодаря правильному оформлению сделки
Оспаривание кадастровой стоимости земли
Результат: кадастровая стоимость земельных участков снижена практически в два раза, что привело к экономии земельного налога